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Style Sheets for Fiction Editing
Learning outcomes
Welcome and course overview (2:50)
Module 1: Style, style guides and style sheets
Outline of module
Style, style guides and style sheets (8:24)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 2: Recording deliberate inconsistency
Outline of module
Recording deliberate inconsistency (4:04)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 3: Why build a style sheet?
Outline of module
Why build a style sheet? (5:17)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 4: What to include in a style sheet
Outline of module
What to include in a style sheet (10:56)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 5: Populating the style sheet
Outline of module
Populating the style sheet (5:02)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 6: Supporting style enforcement with PerfectIt
Outline of module
Supporting style enforcement with PerfectIt (4:33)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Module 7: Customizing the course style-sheet template
Outline of module
Customizing the course style-sheet template (7:37)
Quick quiz to test your knowledge
Key learning points
Style-sheet template and sample
Done-for-you style-sheet template
Sample style sheet
Course books and booklets
Book: Style Sheets for Fiction Editing
Booklet: Resources
Booklet: How to Create an Amazing Editorial Pack
Booklet: Conscious language resources
Listen to podcast episodes
How to Write the Perfect Fiction Editorial Report (taster)
Worldbuilding in science fiction and fantasy
Editing Fiction at Sentence Level (taster)
Making Sense of 'Show, Don't Tell' (taster)
Editing with The Chicago Manual of Style for PerfectIt
Becoming a fiction editor: 4 things you need to know
5 things you need to know about line editing crime fiction and thrillers
Tutorials: Designing and setting up a cover page
How to Create a Cover Page in Canva (4:17)
How to Set Up a Cover Page Template in Word (3:11)
Continue your fiction editing training and save 20%
How to Edit Slurs in Dialogue
How to Punctuate Dialogue
How to Write the Perfect Fiction Editorial Report
Narrative Distance
How to Line Edit for Suspense
Switching to Fiction
Start Crime Fiction Editing
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Music credits
Who composed the music
How to Create a Cover Page in Canva
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